Friday, December 11, 2009

Update on Jace 10/11/2009

Jace seems to have tolerated his surgery well and is continuing to rest. He was given a large amount of drugs for the surgery and is still sleeping as a result.
But we are being advised by the doctors that his heart function is good and that all the other signs of improvement are there. We are concerned for his temperature as it has gone up and down and seems to be the only issue at the moment. He is still on a ventilator and we have hopes that soon he will be able to begin breathing on his own so that he can be taken off.
We are grateful for the support and love we've received from so many with messages of caring and inspiration through all of this. And for those friends and family who can be with us and have chosen to share in this struggle. Thank you for the prayer and support. Praise the Lord for the grace He has bestowed upon our little guy and the healing He has allowed to take place!
More to follow...

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